Sunday, September 1, 2013

omg!!!!! JUST HAVE THE DREAM OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!
It's like the BEST DREAM i have ever had!
The adventure with S.H.E in Geisel library! hahahaha
Selin held my hands SUPER TIGHT some more!!! omg!!!!
hahaha i am so glad that I decided to stay home to take a nap :D :D :D
S.H.E <333333333333 p="">

your name here signed off at 8:57 AM

Sunday, May 19, 2013

So... this video,

[HD] MSG麥迪遜花園 林書豪 TOP25 崛起時刻 見證Linsanity 林來瘋 精華Highlights

appeared on my youtube and i decided to watch it...

omg i can believe that 我竟然會感動成這樣!!!
his skills and attitude is really sooooooo amazing!
and he deserves all the respect man!
 LINsanity!!! Let's go!!!:D

your name here signed off at 3:05 AM

Monday, April 1, 2013

hais... haha

your name here signed off at 2:51 PM

Monday, March 18, 2013

cant wait for the break!
hope i'll do fine:) hhaha

your name here signed off at 1:35 AM

ohhhh... hahaha know i understand why people are asking me what are the topics that my friends here and I talked about. I totally forgot about that post.

your name here signed off at 1:34 AM

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

it's funny how the topics that my friends and I talk about here is so different from my Singapore friends!

your name here signed off at 4:59 PM

Monday, January 28, 2013

Shit man! Why do I feel so free everyday!! hais...
keep on watching youtube and doing stupid things!!! aiya!
i need to do more productive things man...

your name here signed off at 1:10 AM

me links tag music

Success is the sum of small efforts
repeated day in and day out.

tHaT oRdInArY gIrL
6 June 1993
Crescent NCC, the best<333
Charlie '08<333
1S1'06 2S1'07<333
3G2'08 4G2'09<333
ex-track & fielder